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At Carhartt, we know words alone won’t help us build a better world, so here’s how we’re taking action.
When our company was founded in 1889, Hamilton Carhartt talked about the role of a responsible business in doing, "the just and honest thing, gainful if possible". These core principles have underpinned Carhartt's approach to business for more than 125 years and are as relevant today as they were in 1889.
Building on our roots as an American company, Carhartt products are today manufactured and sold globally. Production is centered in company-owned factories in the U.S. and Mexico, and in a network of supplier and licensee factories around the world.
We are keenly aware of the environmental and human rights challenges presented by global sourcing and we have taken a number of important steps to help ensure that our principles are upheld throughout the global network of factories supporting our business. Key steps include:
* Adopting a Workplace Code of Conduct that establishes expectations for all of our supplier and licensee relationships. This Code provides key base line expectations for environmental protection, responsible working conditions, and fundamental human rights. It is based on the Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
* As outlined in our Global Social Responsibility Supplier Manual, all facilities are required to be audited by 3rd party auditing companies under Carhartt approved programs to ensure compliance to the principles outlined in the Carhartt Workplace Code of Conduct. The facilities must maintain passing audits for the duration of their relationship with Carhartt.
In addition to the 3rd party audits, Carhartt’s Global Social Responsibility team conducts on-site verification assessments of each facility to confirm the facility is fully compliant, and to partner with the facilities on any improvements that may be required to fully comply with the Carhartt Workplace Code of Conduct.
* In addition to these assessments, Carhartt sourcing and quality assurance personnel visit and work in supplier facilities on an ongoing basis. These individuals have been trained on responsible workplace conditions and Carhartt's expectations for suppliers. The regular presence of Carhartt personnel at supplier facilities allows us to closely monitor day-to-day work conditions supplementing the periodic audits by third-parties or assessments by Carhartt’s Global Social Responsibility team.
For more information please contact
Media Inquiries: Erica Salomon Communications Manager
Other Inquiries: Anna Inch Vice President General Counsel
Relevant Section of California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
(1) Every retail seller and manufacturer doing business in this state and having annual worldwide gross receipts that exceed one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) shall disclose, as set forth in subdivision (c), its efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from its direct supply chain for tangible goods offered for sale.
(c) The disclosure described in subdivision (a) shall, at a minimum, disclose to what extent, if any, that the retail seller or manufacturer does each of the following:
(1) Engages in verification of product supply chains to evaluate and address risks of human trafficking and slavery. The disclosure shall specify if the verification was not conducted by a third party. (2) Conducts audits of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance with company standards for trafficking and slavery in supply chains. The disclosure shall specify if the verification was not an independent, unannounced audit. (3) Requires direct suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into the product comply with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking of the country or countries in which they are doing business. (4) Maintains internal accountability standards and procedures for employees or contractors failing to meet company standards regarding slavery and trafficking. (5) Provides company employees and management, who have direct responsibility for supply chain management, training on human trafficking and slavery, particularly with respect to mitigating risks within the supply chains of products.
In September of 2010, the state of California enacted legislation requiring all companies doing business in the state to disclose information on the actions being taken to address the risks of human trafficking and slavery in their global supply chains. Shown below are Carhartt's responses to the five required disclosures outlined in the legislation:
Verification – All factories producing goods for Carhartt are required to comply with the Company's Workplace Code of Conduct, which includes a specific prohibition of forced labor, which includes involuntary, prison or trafficked labor or labor otherwise obtained by force, fraud or coercion -- indentured, bonded or otherwise. These expectations extend to all Carhartt suppliers. Suppliers to Carhartt are expected to extend these standards to all of their suppliers and to initiate practices to assure that these standards are adopted throughout the global supply network supporting Carhartt. Verification takes place through a two-pillar approach that involves a combination of 3rd party certification audits (e.g. WRAP, BSCI, Better Work, etc.) and Onsite Verification Assessments from Carhartt’s Global Social Responsibility Team. More information on Carhartt’s two-pillar approach can be found in Carhartt’s Global Social Responsibility Supplier Manual.
Audit – Certification audits are conducted by reputable third-party assessment firms and are typically unannounced within a 15 to 30-day window. These audits evaluate present factory conditions as well as the policies, procedures and management systems that are necessary for ongoing compliance. Carhartt’s Onsite Verification Assessments are conducted by Carhartt’s Global Social Responsibility team (or contractors hired to act as representatives for Carhartt) and use a combination of announced and unannounced visits. These assessments are used to verify the information in the certification audits, assess the factory’s overall compliance to Carhartt’s requirements, and work directly with factories on any needed improvements.
Certification – Carhartt's Workplace Code of Conduct requires all suppliers to comply fully with all local laws, including those related to slavery and human trafficking. In the event local laws are not robust, Carhartt's Workplace Code of Conduct further prohibits suppliers from using "involuntary, prison or trafficked labor or labor otherwise obtained by force, fraud or coercion -- indentured, bonded or otherwise." Suppliers certify that they understand and comply with these expectations before starting Carhartt production and periodically thereafter.
Internal Accountability – Responsible labor conditions have been a core value at Carhartt since it was established in 1889. Internal accountability resides with the leadership of the core business functions responsible for the relevant commercial relationships - e.g., the Sourcing function for all relationships with cut and sew suppliers, Product Development with raw material suppliers, and the Licensing Department for all license agreements. All Carhartt suppliers and licensees must adhere to our Code of Conduct and maintain third-party certifications as outlined in the Global Social Responsibility Supplier Manual.
If any supplier is found to be out of compliance with Carhartt's Code of Conduct, appropriate remedial actions are taken. While we prefer to work with suppliers to achieve improved conditions, violations involving human trafficking or slavery are classified as "zero tolerance" issues that must be immediately corrected with long-term corrective actions implemented (approved and monitored by Carhartt) or Carhartt would terminate the contractual relationship.
Training – With support from WRAP, Carhartt has conducted training on the Company's Workplace Code of Conduct - including provisions related to human trafficking and slavery. Individuals completing this training include supply chain leadership from the Vice President through the manager level in our Sourcing and Quality Assurance activities. Select individuals in our Customs activity also have completed the training. We are presently in the process of extending the training to others within our organization.
Carhartt is committed to conducting business in a fair and ethical manner. Our Global Social Responsibility Department's mission is to serve and protect the hardworking people who make our products. Consistent with this mission, we've established this Code of Conduct as a minimum set of standards for all Carhartt suppliers based on internationally accepted labor standards, including the International Labor Organization's Core Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While our Code of Conduct establishes minimum standards, Carhartt aspires to partner with companies that share our corporate values and are committed to continuous improvements as it relates to social and environmental practices. Details of our Global Social Responsibility program, including policies, can be found in the Carhartt Global Social Responsibility Supplier Manual.
Download Supplier Handbook
Download Code of Conduct
At Carhartt, our purpose is to build a better world for all hardworking people. This includes every person working to stitch, sew, and put the finishing touches on our products from inside the facilities located on this map. For this reason, all Carhartt-owned factories and its partners around the world must be certified to uphold the standards for fair labor practices, safe working conditions, and environmental responsibility.
To ensure the requirements for social compliance are met, every facility is regularly audited, both through an approved third-party social compliance certification program, and by representatives from Carhartt's Social Compliance Team who physically visit every factory. In addition, we created our Workplace Code of Conduct to clearly define the expectations of our factories in order to only work with partners that share our desire to preserve the hardworking way of life and build a cleaner, safer, better world for everyone.
Please view our interactive Global Factory Map.
Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Carhartt is dedicated to the protection of our consumers. As we continue to expand into the global market, it is more important than ever. By focusing first and foremost on protecting Carhartt consumers, we are in turn protecting the Carhartt brand.
Restricted Substances
Carhartt works hard to ensure that our garments are designed and manufactured responsibly, and that any chemicals in our finished goods comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Carhartt uses a Restricted Substance List (“RSL”) as a product specification that all our suppliers must comply with. This list is currently maintained by the Apparel & Footwear International RSL Management Working Group (“AFIRM”) and is a publicly accessible document (AFIRM RSL).
The AFIRM RSL represents current global regulatory chemical compliance limits and goes beyond to include more chemicals and/or stringent limits. It is updated annually to ensure conformance with global consumer protection standards. The mission is to reduce the use and impact of harmful substances in the apparel and footwear supply chains. This list includes any relevant chemicals that are listed under California Proposition 65, Europe’s REACH Regulation, etc. All of Carhartt’s products are designed and manufactured to comply with these requirements. is committed to making its website usable by all people by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA). We have engaged The Bureau of Internet Accessibility (, an accessibility consulting company, to conduct an accessibility audit of our websites and provide us with specific recommendations that will assist us in ensuring that our Web presence is in conformance with the WCAG 2.0 AA. Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing as our current website provider implements the relevant improvements to meet WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines over time. If you have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of this site or need assistance in using the processes found within this site, please contact us at 1.800.833.3118 and/or If you do encounter an accessibility issue, please be sure to specify the Web page and we will make all reasonable efforts to make that page accessible.