Heavy Duty Rain Gear
Women's Storm Defender® Jacket - Relaxed Fit - Heavyweight - 1 Warm Rating
Heavyweight Rain Gear
When the weather gets heavy, you need Carhartt heavy duty rain gear. For conditions this extreme, you need extreme gear that's engineered to withstand any environment and for any occasion. Carhartt men's and women's rain gear is bar none. When you have to show up for the job, no matter the conditions, show up in Carhartt heavy rainwear. Our Force Extremes™ heavy rain gear is the last word in waterproof breathable workwear. For those days on the jobsite or the lake when anything can happen, bring some insurance against the elements — go out covered in Carhartt. Our field-tested gear like our Carhartt Storm Defender coats keep you covered so that you can focus on your job, not your gear, so that you can outwork them all. Our rain jackets for men combine Storm Defender® waterproof breathable tech with Quick Duck® lightweight, durable canvas fabric which is 30% lighter than our traditional sandstone fabric. For the best waterproof women's coats and jackets, choose Carhartt — the utmost in protection against the elements. Carhartt PVC rain gear is waterproof, wind resistant, and durable enough for Alaskan crab fishermen. When you're outfitted with Carhartt, you're outfitted for anything. Shop our extreme weather and heavy rain gear today and save. Get free shipping on waterproof outerwear with qualified orders! When the winds and the rains come for you, come with Carhartt.